Bourse de Commerce — Pinault Collection

Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection

Conversion of the Bourse de Commerce into a cultural museum with:

  • Exhibition rooms
  • An auditorium
  • A restaurant and associated services.

Le cylindre et la coupole de la Bourse de Commerce
setec bâtiment / Octobre 2021

Originally a corn exchange built in the 18th century, preserving the 16th century Medici column, this building is the result of successive transformations leading to the Bourse de Commerce by H. Blondel in 1890.

The rotunda is covered by a metal frame dome dating from 1810. The latter is fitted out as an exhibition space with an intermediate climate.

The whole building has been the subject of a complete programme of respectful restoration and reversible refurbishment by an association of 3 architectural agencies:

La grande fresque de la Bourse de Commerce
setec bâtiment / Octobre 2021

The challenge of building within a historic monument

Building within a listed building is a real challenge with many constraints. One of the main challenges was to design a reversible project. This is why the symbol of the project, the 29 m diameter concrete cylinder made of 25 cm thick metal caissons, covered on each side by thin 12 cm concrete skins, is completely detached from the existing structure.

The project was also a technical challenge for the fluids, which had to be perfectly integrated and invisible while preserving the historic building, but also the purity of the concrete cylinder that goes down to the basement to house the auditorium.

Vue depuis l'extérieur du cylindre de béton
setec bâtiment / Octobre 2021

Key figures

  • Historic building with a diameter of 60 m
  • New concrete cylinder 29 m in diameter and 9 m high
  • Glass dome 22 m in diameter
  • 112 pieces of woodwork restored
  • 10,000 works of art on display
  • 300-seat auditorium


  • Intervention in a historic monument
  • Reversibility of the cylinder
  • Perfect integration of fluids

To find out more, visit the Bourse de Commerce website.

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